A hobby photographer based in The Netherlands and Professional Food Technologist from Wageningen (Food Valley)

Sailing and photography, these are my two hobbies. In my work you will therefore often encounter a combination. Photos from the water, or water photos. I like big pictures, wide angles, but also the Dutch sky. Blue and white cotton wool.

The Netherlands is the country of old and new. The old can be found in the love for wooden flat-bottomed ships (the brown fleet), while the newest yachts also come from our country.

The Netherlands is known for the beautiful city center of Amsterdam, but other old cities such as Enkhuizen on the IJsselmeer are also worth visiting. The contrast with the sleek Flevopolder (new and ultra modern) could hardly be greater. Traveling with a camera in our country always produces beautiful pictures. Pictures I like to share.

In my business, I mainly focus on sustainability, freshly processed food and new technology. I am co-founder of TOP b.v., partner at BOX n.v. and also owner of Food4Innovations Holding b.v. I am active on various social media, and can be reached via my mobile and e-mail.

Instagram Wouter.deheij
Twitter @deheij


Contact us.



  • Wageningen, 6702 AB, The Netherlands

  • Kampen, 8264 DH, The Netherlands